Pluto Ingresses into Aquarius – Welcome to Society 5.0 on Steroids!
On March 23, 2013, Pluto will enter Aquarius for the first time since the Revolutionary War of the fledgling colonists of North America....

Final Day of Winter, Aries Ingress, Aries New Moon & Astrological New Year!
It’s almost here! Do you feel it? That pregnant pause in the air? We’re in the final day of winter and it feels like the Earth is...

Everything Everywhere All at Once!
Every time I’ve heard a reference to that film during this past year, it made me chuckle. The title of this Oscar winning film is the...

A Very “Saturny” Virgo Full Moon
Every month as the Moon travels around the Earth, she opposes the Sun and we have a Full Moon. Since the Sun is now in Pisces, this Full...