Libra Full Moon in the season of Aries
We are still basking in the vastness of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces that happened this week. Floating in the theme of...

Once in a Lifetime ~ Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces!
Tomorrow we will have a once in a lifetime occurrence…Jupiter is joining with Neptune in Pisces! What’s special about this is they only joi

Aries New Moon ~ Full Steam Ahead!
There are times when we want to pause and get all of our ducks in a row…dot every “i” and cross every “t”, and there are times when it’s...

Will Smith & Chris Rock - The Perfect Storm
What brings a man to slap another man on live television? If Will Smith had an astrologer, he would have known that there were some...

The Astrological New Year is Upon Us!
It’s Spring & the Beginning of the Tropical Zodiac! Our enthusiastic, courageous, pioneering, and independent Aries friends are having or...

New Moon in Pisces Brings Hope for Humanity
I’ll start by stating that my heart has been breaking for our world. I know that I am not alone. I keep reminding myself that we signed...

Transformation is Upon U.S. ~ Pluto Returns!
The United States experiment is being tested, and how we fare in the process depends upon the consciousness that each of us brings to the...

Loving Our Polarities ~ Mars Catches Up to Venus!
The heavens are quite active this week! The Full Moon happened at 8:56am PST this morning at 28° Leo. The Full Moon chart is packed with...

Aquarius New Moon – A New Earth Won’t Birth Herself!
At 9:45pm PST on January 31st, the Sun and Moon are joining in Aquarius at 12°20’. With the New Moon squaring Uranus and conjunct Saturn,...

Cancer Full Moon & Mercury Retrograde Offer Intensity, Transformation, & Innovation
On Monday, January 17th at 3:48 pm PST, the Moon in Cancer will oppose the Sun in Capricorn at 27°51’, respectively. Several things stand...