Happy Relationship-filled Spring!
I find myself saying: “This is very auspicious” a lot these past few years, but this IS very auspicious—this Spring Equinox (when the Sun mo

Pisces New Moon with Uranus in Taurus~ Dreaming of the New Earth
This Pisces New Moon along with Uranus’s final Taurus ingress begin a potent new cycle! This coupled with Mercury retrograde in Pisces makes

New Moon in Aquarius....
New Moons are great times to focus our intentions on what we want because the Sun and the Moon are conjunct or aligned within 0 degrees of e

Our Sun ~ The Giver of Life & Light
It comes as no surprise that most people identify with their Sun sign, rather than their Moon sign, rising sign or the signs where all of th

All Planets Are Direct...Full Steam Ahead!
At 12:26 pm today, Uranus went direct & there are no longer any retrograde planets until March 5th....

2019 is Ushered in with Eclipse Season!
Eclipses are powerful triggers for our evolution. We can let the energy wash over us and have events happen to us, or we can consciously co

The Stillness of Winter
The solstice is the perfect time to look back on the year you've had. Really take some time to be still and notice what comes up for yo

Special Thanksgiving Gifts!
Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of this day of gratitude, I have decided to give you, my friends, a very special gift. For any report or servic

The Moon and Our Quantum Universe
Consciousness permeates reality, rather than being just a unique feature of human experience, it’s the foundation of the universe, present i

Nodal Shift into Cancer/Capricorn ~ Tribe or Tribalism?
Since May of 2017 the Moon's Nodes have been in the Leo/Aquarius axis, stirring up our longings to shine our individual lights and to di