Aries New Moon Bids Uranus Farewell
This Aries New Moon will be the last time that the Sun & Moon join with Uranus in Aries until 2095. The nature of Uranus is very similar

Libra Full Moon Invites Renewal of Our Relationships
This weekend is an invitation to take each other (and especially ourselves) off of the cross, or to release the cross that we feel we must b

Hold on to Your Hats & Glasses ~ Mercury is Retrograde Again!
Mercury rules transportation, dexterity, and communication of all sorts, so when it goes retrograde these various domains can become affecte

Welcome to the Exuberant First Days of Spring!
This astrological New Year is off to a bang as Mars has recently moved into one of his favorite signs, Capricorn, where he is exalted, and o

Paradoxical Pisces New Moon
The New Moon in Pisces is a bit of a paradox, given the fresh beginnings nature of a New Moon, while unfolding in the old soul sign of Pisce

Jupiter Begins the Retrograde Season of 2018
Jupiter's journey through Scorpio has allowed us all to go deeply into our own psyches and discover those hidden treasures that we might

Full Moons Offer Times for Reflection
As much as we may resist the thought that what we see in the world is a reflection of ourselves, we do live in a holographic universe compos

Is it the Last Month of Winter or Summer? This I know...the Sun is in Pisces!
Understanding that others do not share our points of view and being okay with it, creates the same internal freedom that allows us to celebr

This Aquarius Dark Moon is Also an Epic Dark Sun
This is actually a great time to do some early spring cleaning. I wasn’t planning to clean out our refrigerator, but an accidental spill of

Down the Rabbit Hole...
My journey began when I was twelve years old and my father was given six months to live. Even though he was diagnosed with lymphoma, Dad was