The Leo Super Blue Blood Moon of 2018
The feminine principle of this alignment of the Moon and Ceres is fiercely protective! I am being reminded that no matter how busy we can b

Time to Climb That Mountain of Yours ~ Happy Capricorn New Moon!
The countdown began, the champagne corks popped, the fireworks were spectacular, and we wished each other a fantastic 2018, but has it felt

We have a Rare Opportunity ~ Full Steam Ahead in 2018!
Uranus has inspired humanity to think more independently—to liberate ourselves from the confines of societal norms. During these next few m

2018 is ushered in with a Watery Bang ~ Full Moon in Cancer!
Capricorn gives the Sun and Venus solid ground in which to plant your ambitious seeds for the future. Water loves to feel contained … earth

Saturn and the Sun Usher in Winter in the North
The thing about Saturn is that he is here to remind us of why we raised our hands in our pre-life session—why we wanted to come to this craz

Sagittarius New Moon ~ Some Magical Galactic Help for 2018
Every now and then everything aligns to support us in creating the life of our dreams. This New Moon is one of those times!
Every now and t

Survive & Even Thrive during Mercury Retrograde
The holidays can be busy and stressful enough…and now we have Mercury retrograde?
There’s good news however! I’ve created a guide that wi

Gemini Full Super Moon & Mercury Retrograde ... The Trickster is Loose!
This Full Super Moon is in Gemini and is therefore ruled by the trickster, Mercury, which coincidentally stationed retrograde within hours o
Scorpio New Moon ~ Transmute, Transform, & Transcend
Scorpio is the sign of all possibilities…the sign of transformation, death and rebirth. This is why the sign of Scorpio is represented by t

Mirror Mirror – Venus Opposes Uranus During the Taurus Full Moon
Projection and mirrors are themes of oppositions, so keep in mind that while it is easier for us to perceive our own internal issues when th