Cosmic Synergy: Venus-Uranus Conjunction & Jupiter Cazimi in Taurus
Saturday, May 18th, marks a significant day in the cosmos with two powerful aspects illuminating the skies. Venus will join Uranus...

Embracing Abundance: Taurus New Moon Blessings
This New Moon at 18°02’ Taurus marks a fertile beginning, inviting us to ground our intentions in practicality and stability. It encourages

Embodying Transformation: Navigating the Scorpio Full Moon Energies
Today’s Full Moon at 04°18’ Scorpio highlights the polarity between Scorpio's depth and intensity and material comfort...

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus: A Cosmic Fusion of Expansion & Liberation!
On Saturday, April 20th, we’ll have one of the most important astrological events of 2024... and this only happens once every 13-14 years...

Transforming Wounds: A Journey through the Aries Total Solar Eclipse
Bearing witness to the 1st Total Solar Eclipse since the 2017 Great American Eclipse, let us embrace the opportunity for profound healing...

Awakening the Balance: Embracing the Libra Lunar Eclipse
Standing at the threshold of 2024’s Spring Eclipse Season, a powerful portal opens as the Libra Lunar Eclipse invites us to dive into...

Here Comes The Sun ~ Aries Ingress & The Astrological New Year!
After a long cold winter, we finally have the Vernal Equinox today at 8:06 p.m., March 19, 2024. Even though Pope Gregory XIII created...

Dive Deep into Dreams: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Pisces New Moon
As the Pisces New Moon approaches, the celestial energies are ripe with inspiration and potential.

Harmony of Spirit & Matter: Reflections on the Virgo Full Moon
The Virgo Full Moon invites us to fully embody our spiritual essence within the confines of our earthly existence...

The Path to Freedom: Aquarius New Moon Musings
Aquarius New Moon squaring Uranus in Taurus invites us to break free of any limiting beliefs around our role in society and to own our r