Sagittarius New Moon – Happy Season of Gratitude!
It has been a long time since I’ve been so happy about the song coming from our celestial orchestra! Yes, Mars is still retrograde in...

Our Highest Ideals - Mars Square Neptune
When we find ourselves befuddled by the state of the world, remember that there is far more that connects us than divides us… With Mars...

Taurus Lunar Eclipse Joins Uranus
This year’s Taurus Lunar Eclipse, which is happening (as my darling friend, Cilette Swann, of Gypsy Soul would say) in the “wee” hours of...

Scorpio Solar Eclipse
The Sun and Moon have conjoined within 18° of one of the lunar nodes and eclipse season is officially upon us! Given that Venus just met...

The Venus Star in Libra!
For the First Time in Our Lifetimes! Venus Meets the Sun in Libra!!! Approximately, every 9.5 months Venus joins the Sun in her dance...

Aries Full Moon ~ Happy 108th to David S. Nelson!
Today, October 9th we have our Full Moon at 16°33' Aries. My beloved late father’s birthday is today...he would have been 108! Dad in...

New Moon in the Sign of the Scales
This year’s Libra New Moon packs a punch with the Sun and Moon opposite Jupiter, and all of them are in stressful aspects with the...

Equinox, Libra, & Invoking Balance
It’s here! That lovely time of year when we can almost taste the nip in the air…at least that is the case for those of us in the north....

Pisces Full Moon
With the Sun and Venus in Virgo, and Mars having just moved into his retrograde shadow in Gemini, there has been a lot of focus on doing...

Happy Virgo New Moon!
There’s a lot of focus on Mercury with this Virgo New Moon! The only major aspect that the Sun and Moon make is an almost exact square to...