Pisces Lunar Eclipse: Navigating the Waters of Transformation
Tonight’s Pisces Lunar Eclipse, on September 17, 2024, asks us to pause and reflect on our lives, relationships, and deeper spiritual...

Virgo New Moon: Aligning with Precision, Purpose, & Transformation
The Virgo New Moon invites us to refine our goals, bring order to our lives, & focus on the details, all while harnessing the power of...

Aquarius Full Super Moon: Diamonds Form Under Pressure
The Moon at 27°15’ Aquarius opposes the Sun at 27°15’ Leo, with both luminaries forming a tense T-square to Uranus at 27°11’ Taurus.

Intentions & Transformation: My Story & How It Could Help You
I'd love to share a personal story with you about the transformative power of astrology and how setting intentions aligned with New Moons...

Leo New Moon: Embracing Bold New Beginnings!
This Leo New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions that align with our true passions and desires...

Blue Full Moon in Capricorn: A Time of Completion and Transformation
The Blue Capricorn Full Moon graces our skies on July 21st, lighting up the final degrees of Cancer and Capricorn, marking a significant...

Embracing the Cancer New Moon: A Call to Nurture and Heal
Happy 4th of July! This year’s Independence Day stands out as one of the most striking and ironic in the history of the United States....

Balancing Emotions & Goals: The Cancer Solstice & Capricorn Full Moon
The convergence of the Cancer Solstice & the Capricorn Full Moon, amidst rare astrological influences, creates a powerful moment for...

Embrace the Gemini New Moon: Harness the Power of New Beginnings
When the Moon moves into a sign for about 2 1/2 days, she colors the emotional landscape for all life on Earth. We all know that Luna...

Embrace the Sagittarius Full Moon: A Gateway to Empowerment
The Sagittarius Full Moon promises to illuminate our lives with a renewed sense of empowerment and purpose. This Full Moon brings a...