Final Scorpio Lunar Eclipse – Opposite Uranus
Today, May 5th, 2023 @10:34 am PDT, we had a penumbral lunar eclipse for those on the night side of Earth. Photo by Jake Hills on...

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
It’s that time again… not only are we in eclipse season, but Mercury has also just stationed retrograde! This year, the Mercury...

Second Aries New Moon - First Aries Solar Eclipse!
On April 19, 2023 at 9:12 pm PDT, we will have our 2nd Aries New Moon, but this one will be the first Aries Solar Eclipse since 2006!...

The Year of Transformation – Happy Easter!
The time of transformation and resurrection is upon us as today we celebrate the eternal nature of our indwelling spirits! Photo by Pablo...

Libra Full Moon ~ Opportunity to Heal Our Relationships & Ourselves!
The very nature of Full Moons is that they are opposite the sign of the Sun. During the season of Aries, the Full Moon in Libra shines a...

Pluto Ingresses into Aquarius – Welcome to Society 5.0 on Steroids!
On March 23, 2013, Pluto will enter Aquarius for the first time since the Revolutionary War of the fledgling colonists of North America....

Final Day of Winter, Aries Ingress, Aries New Moon & Astrological New Year!
It’s almost here! Do you feel it? That pregnant pause in the air? We’re in the final day of winter and it feels like the Earth is...

A Very “Saturny” Virgo Full Moon
Every month as the Moon travels around the Earth, she opposes the Sun and we have a Full Moon. Since the Sun is now in Pisces, this Full...

An Inspiring Pisces New Moon!
I love the word “juxtaposition.” Its inclusion in William’s and my book, “Wings: The Journey Home,” is why it isn’t just a children’s...

Leo Full Moon
Happy Leo Full Moon Sunday! Today, with the Leo Moon opposing the Sun in Aquarius at 16°41’, the strongest aspect in this month’s Full...