Leo Venus Star & The Perseid Meteor Shower!
Venus Star in Leo & Perseid Meteor Shower
Leo Full Moon
Happy Leo Full Moon Sunday! Today, with the Leo Moon opposing the Sun in Aquarius at 16°41’, the strongest aspect in this month’s Full...
The Venus Star in Libra!
For the First Time in Our Lifetimes! Venus Meets the Sun in Libra!!! Approximately, every 9.5 months Venus joins the Sun in her dance...
Happy Leo New Moon!
This one is happening amid some dynamic energy but it feels like a beautiful ray of sunshine, which reminds us that we each hold divinity...
Our Sun ~ The Giver of Life & Light
It comes as no surprise that most people identify with their Sun sign, rather than their Moon sign, rising sign or the signs where all of th
The Leo Super Blue Blood Moon of 2018
The feminine principle of this alignment of the Moon and Ceres is fiercely protective! I am being reminded that no matter how busy we can b
The Great American Solar Eclipse ~ The Season of Sun & Shadow
“Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become endless night....
1st Leo New Moon ~ Let Your Inner Kitten Roar
What better way to begin the creative, passionately loving, romantic, dramatic and playful month of Leo than with a New Moon right at the be
The Moon's Nodes are Finally Backing into the Leo/Aquarius Axis
The North Node in Leo invites us to collectively "step into the spotlight" and own our leadership. This will greatly support thos