Leo New Moon: Embracing Bold New Beginnings!
This Leo New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions that align with our true passions and desires...
Unveiling the Mysteries of the Leo New Moon: A Celestial Symphony of Energies
Imagine the cosmic curtain rising, revealing a captivating dance of celestial bodies in the velvety night sky. The planets gracefully...
Your Masterpiece Within
Because the Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the North Node tomorrow through Monday is so powerful, my blog about it is worth sharing...
Happy Leo New Moon!
This one is happening amid some dynamic energy but it feels like a beautiful ray of sunshine, which reminds us that we each hold divinity...
The Golden Shears & the Leo New Moon
Several times a week, I think of an aspect that is being formed in our sky, and William and I will say, “That should be a post!” but life...
Leo New Moon As Mercury Moves Forward!
This Leo New Moon is asking us to authentically live our heart’s truth! There is a lot of very potent energy happening under the beams of th
1st Leo New Moon ~ Let Your Inner Kitten Roar
What better way to begin the creative, passionately loving, romantic, dramatic and playful month of Leo than with a New Moon right at the be