Taurus New Moon Brings New Beginnings
The New Moon in Taurus is giving us a lovely chance to get caught up with our To Do lists, but we may also want to just BE! What does it...

Eclipse Season … & Mercury Retrograde?!
This Summer, we are not only in the midst of a very intense eclipse season, but on July 7th we’ll begin a 3-week long adventure into Mercury

Pisces New Moon with Uranus in Taurus~ Dreaming of the New Earth
This Pisces New Moon along with Uranus’s final Taurus ingress begin a potent new cycle! This coupled with Mercury retrograde in Pisces makes

Aries New Moon Bids Uranus Farewell
This Aries New Moon will be the last time that the Sun & Moon join with Uranus in Aries until 2095. The nature of Uranus is very similar

Hold on to Your Hats & Glasses ~ Mercury is Retrograde Again!
Mercury rules transportation, dexterity, and communication of all sorts, so when it goes retrograde these various domains can become affecte

Survive & Even Thrive during Mercury Retrograde
The holidays can be busy and stressful enough…and now we have Mercury retrograde?
There’s good news however! I’ve created a guide that wi

Gemini Full Super Moon & Mercury Retrograde ... The Trickster is Loose!
This Full Super Moon is in Gemini and is therefore ruled by the trickster, Mercury, which coincidentally stationed retrograde within hours o

Mercury Moves Backwards from Taurus into Aries
When Mercury goes retrograde we flip into our right-brain, which is the artistic, inspired, and inventive side. We may be less logical, but

Our Ringed God Turns Backwards
Today, April 6, 2017, Saturn will begin going retrograde. In fact, five planets will be retrograde this month: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercu

Mercury Retrograde ~ Is it Time to Batten Down the Hatches?
When Mercury begins its dance “backwards,” you may hear people say, "Oh no, Mercury is retrograde! Should I just hide under the covers