Pluto’s Ingress into Aquarius: What World Are We Co-Creating?
Pluto's ingress into Aquarius invokes our collective power to manifest an ideal society that works for everyone!
Pluto Is Back in Capricorn
Pluto has retrograded back into Capricorn, where he spent the past 15 years plumbing the depths of our institutional infrastructures....
2023 The Year of Inception
We’re on the threshold of another new year, and I don’t know about you but I still feel like I could use at least another week of “yin”...
Libra Full Moon in the season of Aries
We are still basking in the vastness of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces that happened this week. Floating in the theme of...
Transformation is Upon U.S. ~ Pluto Returns!
The United States experiment is being tested, and how we fare in the process depends upon the consciousness that each of us brings to the...
Libra New Moon ~ Striving for Balance
The next few days are gearing up to be quite powerful for us to navigate, beginning with the New Moon. Today, at 4:05 am PDT, the Moon...
Cancer Solstice & Potent Solar Eclipse
The authority structures of our world are being challenged and that’s okay…we are enough individually and collectively, and quickly we’ll fi
Venus in the Heart of the Sun ~ In Leo
As Venus & the Sun cazimi, exactly quincunx Pluto we are reminded that there is a distinction between the power of love and the love of
"The Finger of God" in Leo
This is definitely the time for creative expressions that are brought forth from the depths of your soul! When you know that it would be a
2018 is ushered in with a Watery Bang ~ Full Moon in Cancer!
Capricorn gives the Sun and Venus solid ground in which to plant your ambitious seeds for the future. Water loves to feel contained … earth