Embodying Transformation: Navigating the Scorpio Full Moon Energies
Today’s Full Moon at 04°18’ Scorpio highlights the polarity between Scorpio's depth and intensity and material comfort...

Embracing Transformation: Scorpio New Moon Unveils Your Inner Alchemy
With the New Moon, @ 20°44' Scorpio, the stage is set for a dance of renewal & transformation. This celestial event whispers of profound...

Scorpio Solar Eclipse
The Sun and Moon have conjoined within 18° of one of the lunar nodes and eclipse season is officially upon us! Given that Venus just met...

The Venus Star in Libra!
For the First Time in Our Lifetimes! Venus Meets the Sun in Libra!!! Approximately, every 9.5 months Venus joins the Sun in her dance...

A Scorpio Solar Return & New Moon
Every year when the Sun returns to the exact degree and minute that it was when you took your first breath in this incarnation, you get...

Exploring Scorpio's Depths
Welcome to the realm of Scorpio, the most mysterious and misunderstood of the zodiac signs! The fixed watery nature of Scorpio brings a dept

Our Sun ~ The Giver of Life & Light
It comes as no surprise that most people identify with their Sun sign, rather than their Moon sign, rising sign or the signs where all of th

Venus Star Point - She "Kisses" The Sun Today!
Today is a very auspicious day -- retrograde Venus will join with the Sun and form her Venus Star Point...so fitting for them to "kiss&
Scorpio New Moon ~ Transmute, Transform, & Transcend
Scorpio is the sign of all possibilities…the sign of transformation, death and rebirth. This is why the sign of Scorpio is represented by t

Jupiter Takes the Deep Dive Into Scorpio
Today Jupiter will be moving from Libra into Scorpio. Before we discuss what this means for us, let’s take a look back on the past 13 month