The Taurus Full Moon - Illuminating Our Path in a Time of Uncertainty
Today’s Taurus Full Moon at 24°01’ Taurus casts a powerful light on our innermost values, security, and what we hold dear in a rapidly...

Final Scorpio Lunar Eclipse – Opposite Uranus
Today, May 5th, 2023 @10:34 am PDT, we had a penumbral lunar eclipse for those on the night side of Earth. Photo by Jake Hills on...

Leo Full Moon
Happy Leo Full Moon Sunday! Today, with the Leo Moon opposing the Sun in Aquarius at 16°41’, the strongest aspect in this month’s Full...

Happy Leo New Moon!
This one is happening amid some dynamic energy but it feels like a beautiful ray of sunshine, which reminds us that we each hold divinity...

Time to be Mindful ~ Pride Goeth Before the Fall
Starting today, July 1st & culminating on July 4th we have a potent dynamic happening. As you know, the major theme of 2021 is the...

Saturn-Uranus Square ~ How Does Your Structure Want to be Changed?
Today, we have the 2nd of 3 Saturn-Uranus squares. With Saturn in fixed air sign, Aquarius, square Uranus in fixed earth sign, Taurus,...

Merry Solar Eclipse Christmas!
Regardless of the holiday that you celebrate near the Winter Solstice, this year’s Final Solar Eclipse on December 25-26th is sure to arrive

Pisces New Moon with Uranus in Taurus~ Dreaming of the New Earth
This Pisces New Moon along with Uranus’s final Taurus ingress begin a potent new cycle! This coupled with Mercury retrograde in Pisces makes

All Planets Are Direct...Full Steam Ahead!
At 12:26 pm today, Uranus went direct & there are no longer any retrograde planets until March 5th....

Enter the New Earth ~ Uranus in Taurus
In many ways, Uranus and Taurus are complete opposites in nature.
Uranus is the change-maker, the revolutionary instigator of all things ne