This Aquarius Dark Moon is Also an Epic Dark Sun
This is actually a great time to do some early spring cleaning. I wasn’t planning to clean out our refrigerator, but an accidental spill of
We have a Rare Opportunity ~ Full Steam Ahead in 2018!
Uranus has inspired humanity to think more independently—to liberate ourselves from the confines of societal norms. During these next few m
Mirror Mirror – Venus Opposes Uranus During the Taurus Full Moon
Projection and mirrors are themes of oppositions, so keep in mind that while it is easier for us to perceive our own internal issues when th
Sweet Spontaneity – Uranus Opposes the Sun & Moon
There is more that connects us than that which divides us, and today’s New Moon has some very sweet and exciting connections to inspire us..
Jupiter Takes the Deep Dive Into Scorpio
Today Jupiter will be moving from Libra into Scorpio. Before we discuss what this means for us, let’s take a look back on the past 13 month
Jupiter & Uranus Oppose Each Other One Final Time Until 2031
Uranus in Aries has been prompting us to be self-reliant, independent, to radically explore and express our unique individuality, to be true
Mother Earth
Last Saturday was Earth Day, this coming Saturday is the People's Climate March all around the world, and we should make a point to...
Mercury Moves Backwards from Taurus into Aries
When Mercury goes retrograde we flip into our right-brain, which is the artistic, inspired, and inventive side. We may be less logical, but