We have a Rare Opportunity ~ Full Steam Ahead in 2018!
Uranus Goes Direct in the Last Few Degrees of Aries
As of today, there are no planets that are retrograde. Uranus, the planet of change, has been retrograde for the past five months and on January 2, 2018 he is stationing direct at 24°34’ Aries, right between Eris, the cranky goddess of discord, who has been nudging the feminine archetype to speak out against all odds, & Pallas Athena, the goddess of truth, war, and wisdom.
This position is urging us all to honor that part of us that longs for feminine justice in a world that is still finding our footing in this territory. The next few months should prove to be very productive in this realm as we honor the divine feminine within all of us.

Photo by Daryan Shamkhali on Unsplash
Uranus will spend the next four months moving through the last few degrees of Aries until he makes his ingress into the earthy sign of Taurus.
During Uranus’ sojourn through Aries (since 2010-2011), we have had a healthy dose of “doing it my way” energy. Uranus has inspired humanity to think more independently—to liberate ourselves from the confines of societal norms. During these next few months up until he moves into Taurus on May 15th, we have one last chance to work with this potent archetype.
In what ways do you still want to break free of any confines in your life? How can you express your independence? What does true freedom and sovereignty mean to you?
Retrograde Free Zone
While we’re still in post Mercury retrograde shadow until January 10th, there are officially no planets retrograde until Jupiter goes retrograde on March 8th.
How perfect that we have two solid months right in the beginning of the new year to sow those fertile seeds in our lives!

Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash
If you feel like something has been holding you back, now is the time to venture forth! While we still want to be mindful of those times every couple of days when the Moon is Void of Course…these next two months are ideal for launching your new project, getting your business onto more solid ground, or simply moving forward with whatever is nearest and dearest to your heart.
Happy New Year…and take full advantage of the possibilities that are available to you in 2018!