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Paradoxical Pisces New Moon

Being the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces invites us to contemplate our soul’s journey, while sharing our gifts of insight and wisdom with those less fortunate than we are. This is where Pisces truly shines as the compassionate muse and artist…blissfully dancing through life and weaving a tale of wonder and woe.

The symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions gives us a visual to help us understand the enigma of the Piscean nature. This ancient soul has seen and felt much during her voyage through time and space, and while there is no greater sympathetic ear, the image of a hermit comes to mind. There is a longing for rest and escape from the toils of reality.

This year our Pisces New Moon joins with “The Wounded Healer” Chiron for the final time before he makes his trek into Aries on April 17, 2018. The Sun and the Moon in Pisces are already feeling very deeply, and coming into contact with Chiron is stirring the pot and bringing old wounds to the surface. Before you reach for your favorite form of self-medication, know that what is happening is a good thing—it may not feel wonderful, but if you allow it to be, then you will see what gifts the pain brings.

Meditation rather than Medication

The gift of this New Moon is that we have the capacity to dive as deeply as we choose in order to explore the mystery of our depths. Let Chiron be your guide… can you see the origin of the wound? Can you forgive? Are there any flashes of insight? Simply noticing where you are and being with yourself can open the door to tremendous healing.

This is not easy work, but you are ready and this work is so worth it!

Image by William Hicks

The New Moon in Pisces is a bit of a paradox, given the fresh beginnings nature of a New Moon, while unfolding in the old soul sign of Pisces, which is all about the culmination of experience. This is a beautiful quandary to be in, for when we get to the heart of most matters in this 3D reality, we find the opposite will present itself—the Yin will always need her Yang.

I believe it was Carl Jung who said, “Yin without Yang is a corpse, and Yang without Yin is a ghost.”

New Moon Intentions

By now you know that I love to do New Moon intentions. It’s a wonderful way to begin the astrological month in an empowering way that reminds us that no matter what is going on in the apparent “outside world,” we are at the helm of our lives.

As soon as the Moon joined with the Sun at 6:11 am PDT, she went Void of Course, and at 11:56 am PDT she moved into Aries, so now is the perfect time to plant your seed intentions!

Here is a list of Piscean themes:

Divine Inspiration

Psychic Awareness



Spiritual Healing


Art / Poetry




These last few days before the Spring Equinox on March 20th are offering a truly potent opportunity to immerse ourselves in the final stillness of winter. Give yourself the gift of this time this weekend and see what bubbles to the surface....

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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