Unlimited Wishes!
Have you ever wished that you could hold Aladdin's Lamp and access it's mysteries? The truth is that you can and the best part is that you don't need to make your third wish unlimited wishes!

With the recent Aries New Moon we are reminded that no matter what else is going on in our lives, we are sovereign souls embodying these lovely vehicles of ours. We have free will to intend the life of our dreams!
To say that life these days can be intense and challenging is an understatement. We are here to remind you that we are still in charge of our own lives and each New Moon gives us opportunities to pause, meditate, and get clear on the direction our lives are heading.
With the Sun at his exalted degree of 19° Aries and the Moon now in her opening crescent phase in the bright, intelligent sign of Gemini this can be the perfect time to sit with your journal to restate your intentions for the life you are here to live...or better yet, get creative with a VISION BOARD!
What do you want? What comes to mind when you think about the phrase: new and fresh beginnings? Is there a project that is near and dear to your heart, but fear has been holding you back?
Let your imagination soar!

Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash.jpg
The Sun is beckoning you to courageously step forward for your life, for your future self, for that child that dwells in your heart and for everyone on this precious planet that will be impacted by the difference that only you can make!
Go for it! We're cheering you on!