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Capricorn Lunar Eclipse – Balancing of Opposites

With this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse we here on Earth are in the middle (literally) of some extremely powerful oppositions between Mercury (retrograde in Leo), the Sun, North Node, and Venus in Cancer all opposite the Moon, Pluto, the South Node, and Saturn in Capricorn.

Where there are oppositions, there is tension and a compelling need to create balance.

Photo by Bekir Dönmez on Unsplash

The focus of a Lunar Eclipse is of course on the Moon, which is in Capricorn and answering to Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn.

As we’ve discussed in prior posts, Saturn is still very much enmeshed with and immersed in the South Node, dissolving the old and worn out authority structures that are no longer serving a useful purpose.

Serious and responsible, the Capricorn Moon brings the sense that we are being asked to carry the burdens of the world on our shoulders. There can also be a tendency to ignore our own emotional needs and feel that others will not accept us if we appear "weak". In ignoring our own emotional needs, we can therefore miss the needs of those around us….

“There is simply too much work to do to stop and have a good cry, much less take time to get to the root of our emotional wounding!”

Nothing could be further from the truth! We can’t afford not to take the time to explore our needs and core wounds.

Eclipses Reveal the Shadow…

How perfect that we get to have such a potent eclipse in the signs of nurturing Cancer and “there’s work to be done”, Capricorn!

Expect to have your shadow revealed and with the Moon conjunct Pluto, we have a powerful opportunity to dig in and do some of the deepest work of our lifetimes!

It may not be fun (chances are some of our deepest core wounds will be exposed) but it is necessary and well worth the journey. The Moon conjunct Pluto brings a stormy intensity that conjures images of nature’s ferocity. Much like a dormant volcano, we sense that there is a lot brewing just below the surface.

Now is the time to dig deeply…do that inner work and face our personal demons, for ignoring our pain has never been a greater mistake. Being blind or numb to our own needs and the needs of others, we can be blindsided by the sudden eruptions that can occur.

Photo by Gage Walker on Unsplash

Remember that you are not alone! The whole world’s “psyche” is experiencing this powerful time that we are in.

There is a saving grace in this very intense time, and that is that Neptune has been trine to the Cancer Sun, North Node, and Venus, while forming a sextile to Saturn, South Node, and Pluto. When we open to the subtle rays of Neptune, we get the feeling that there is a higher purpose to all of the pain that is being revealed.

Compassion is the key…

The more that we can access the energies of the compassionate and nurturing Cancer, Venus, North Node, and Sun, while taking full responsibility for the part that we play in our lives, the more we will find that “sweet spot” as we gracefully navigate these next six months.

And remember…diamonds are formed by heat and pressure!

When we courageously face our own shadow, we are rewarded mightily, because Pluto is the great transformer…

So embrace this wonderful opportunity to face our fears!

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