Libra New Moon ~ The Beauty of Balance in Relationships!

Photo by Ruslan Zh on Unsplash
Libra, the sign of relationships, invites us to bring our precious others into focus this month. With every New Moon, we have a fresh opportunity to create the world that we choose to live in. Who are you and with whom are you sharing your life? This month, we have an interesting aspect between the Sun & the Moon in Libra at 5°20’ in a very tight quincunx aspect to Uranus at 5°45’ of Taurus. While Libra’s prime goal is to seek balance, Uranus is more focused on shaking things up, and the quincunx aspect is anything but balanced, given that it delineates a relationship between two signs that are incompatible by quality and element. In this case, Libra is a cardinal air sign, while Taurus is a fixed earth sign. At first blush, this may seem problematic…but not so fast! There is a beautiful saving grace here in that Venus rules both Taurus and Libra ~ & therefore Venus is also highlighted with this Libra New Moon!
What’s even more lovely is that Venus is in Libra, inviting all of us to enjoy the beauty of our favorite art, cultural events, or simply a great conversation! We may find ourselves being much more peace-loving and diplomatic for the next week and a half, until Venus moves into the stormier sign of Scorpio, where all bets are off and she becomes a lot more passionate and “all or nothing” with regards to love.

Photo by Jose Mizrahi on Unsplash
During the New Moon and this current weekend, Venus is sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius, encouraging us to enjoy all of the goodness that life has to offer, while she is also quincunx Neptune, bringing in a diffused, hazy, confusing, yet highly idealistic tone. At the same time, Venus is forming a tight mid-point square to Saturn & the South Node* and Pluto in Capricorn. This can bring a somber and serious note and remind us that partnerships are not meant to be entered into lightly. We are all too aware that Libra is a sign of the law, and the scales of justice come into balance when our intentions are noble. I am a big fan of workshops & trainings! There is something so powerful about taking oneself on and stripping away the external superficiality of personality to get down to the essence of who one is! In many ways, our committed relationships offer a similar opportunity to refine ourselves. We are each diamonds in the rough, and it is through our committed relationships that we are forged to be our essential selves! One final note about Libra: Librans love harmony, but strive for balance even more so. One of the shadows of Libra is that they can play devil’s advocate, whereby if a Libra senses that someone they are talking to is too positioned on one side of a situation, you may notice that they will “stir the pot” a bit in order to create balance. Thinking about balance, I find myself thinking of an auto-pilot on an airplane. If we were to check the settings and dials in the cockpit of a plane that is traveling from Los Angeles to New York, we will find that the plane is off course during the majority of the trip, thus constant re-balancing is essential, and this goes for most things, especially relationships...

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
The concept of balance is somewhat like the Virgoan concept of perfection, where neither can be absolutely attained...they are ideals to which to aspire. The more we can find and operate from the integrity of our center, the more capacity we will have for maintaining our balance and equilibrium, and the more we will have to offer our precious others!
Special Libra Season Offer!
Love & Compatibility Package ~ S.P.A. for the SOUL This special relationship compatibility consultation package will help you discover what drives your partnerships in the most empowering way possible!
The Love and Compatibility Consultation Package Includes:
* Your choice of a 2 hr, 90 min, or 1 hr Consultation
* Natal Charts & Reports for both people:Discover who you are, the traits you were born with, your personality, gifts, challenges, propensity for success in love and career ~ Very revealing!
* Harmonic Highlights Reports for both people:A client favorite...feels like peeking at one's brightest soul signatures!
* 1-Year Transit Reports for the relationship (based on the Composite Chart):Your Planetary ‘Weather Report.’ Is it sunny or raining in your world? As the planets move, they can affect us in various ways. We can better exercise our free will when we are clear about the forecast.
* Composite Chart and Compatibility Report:One of my favorite reports! Very insightful view of any relationship between two people (friends, family members or lovers).

Photo by Jonathan Pendleton on Unsplash
Libra New Moon Intentions
From now until tomorrow evening, 9/29 at 7:05 PM PDT is a great time to write your Libra Intentions, but some people like to wait until we see the waxing crescent moon, which will be up until Tuesday evening.
Here are some key words to inspire your creations:
Getting a handle on Co-dependency & People Pleasing
*Footnote: Saturn and the South Node formed their final conjunction last night. You may recall the backwards dance that Saturn & the South Node have been doing since this past May, which has been showing us what is working and not working in our society, and has caused many of us to question our external authority structures and systems.
It is time for us each to explore what it means to be the author of our lives, while creating a world that works for everyone!