Merry Solar Eclipse Christmas!

The final Eclipse season of the Cancer/Capricorn axis is upon us with an Annular Solar Eclipse at 4° Capricorn. An Annular Solar Eclipse is one that happens when the Moon is too far from the Earth (near Apogee or Lilith) to completely cover the solar disk, thus creating a ring of fire…this will be visible from Indonesia…
It’ll be spectacular, but not safe to look at with the naked eye!
Regardless of the holiday that you celebrate near the Winter Solstice, this year’s Final Solar Eclipse on December 25-26th is sure to arrive bringing gifts…
Solar Eclipses are New Moons that happen close to one of the lunar nodes. In this case, Jupiter joins with the Sun & Moon and the South Node striking a more light-hearted, yet soulful tone. Uranus in Taurus trines these early Capricorn planets, bringing lovely surprises…this year, the greatest gifts are those that arrive in the spontaneity of the moment!
For your New Moon Intending, you have from 9:13 PM, PST on the 25th until 1:02 PM, PST on December 27th, when the Moon forms a sextile to Mars in Scorpio to write your intentions...
Capricorn themes are:
Building toward Security
Authority / Authorship
Anyone who has planets or sensitive points or angles in either Cancer or Capricorn, from 1° to 7° will likely feel this eclipse more strongly than those who don’t.

Whatever holiday you are celebrating,
may love, light, peace, joy, and laughter fill your realm!