Cancer Full Moon: A Luminous Call to Nurture Amidst Transformational Times
The Full Moon at 24°00’ Cancer graced our skies today, January 13, 2025. This lunation, happening in the Moon’s domicile, invites us to reconnect with our deepest emotions and instincts for self-care, nurturing, and protection.
Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is the archetype of the Great Mother—the protector of home and hearth, the healer of wounds, and the keeper of sacred memories.
Under this Full Moon, we are called to honor our emotional landscapes and embrace the essence of what truly makes us feel safe, loved, and at home within ourselves and the world.

Astrological Aspects:
This Full Moon is particularly dynamic, shaped by a web of celestial influences:
Conjunct Retrograde Mars: The Moon’s alignment with Mars retrograde intensifies emotions, urging us to address unresolved anger, frustration, or past actions. This aspect reminds us to channel our passion constructively, allowing our feelings to motivate positive change.
Septile Saturn in Pisces: A mystical, fate-driven connection with Saturn highlights themes of spiritual discipline, karmic lessons, and emotional resilience. This is a moment to align with a higher purpose and trust in the unseen forces guiding us.
Trine Uranus in Taurus: Uranus brings breakthroughs, innovation, and liberation. This harmonious aspect offers us an opportunity to find creative solutions to longstanding challenges, particularly around home, security, and stability.
Sextile Neptune in Pisces: Neptune’s gentle influence enhances our intuition and capacity for compassion. This is an ideal time to dream, envision, and hold space for hope amidst uncertainty.
Square Eris in Aries: The square to Eris, the goddess of discord, brings an edge of conflict or tension. This aspect reminds us to face uncomfortable truths and stand in our authenticity, even when it’s challenging.
Trine North Node in Pisces: The Moon’s trine to the freshly ingressed North Node in Pisces amplifies our soul’s call to transcend duality and embrace unity, compassion, and spiritual growth. The shift from the Aries/Libra axis to Pisces/Virgo invites us to prioritize intuition, connection, and surrender over conflict and control.
The North Node in Pisces: A New Karmic Journey
The recent shift of the North Node into Pisces signals a profound change in our collective evolutionary path.
Over the past 1½ years, we’ve navigated the fiery, individualistic energy of Aries (NN) and the balancing, relational dynamics of Libra (SN). Now, as the North Node moves into Pisces, we are called to explore themes of spirituality, unconditional love, and the dissolution of ego boundaries.

The South Node in Virgo, meanwhile, asks us to release perfectionism, excessive criticism, and the need for control. Together, this axis invites us to embrace the wisdom of surrender, trusting the flow of life and recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings.
A World on the Brink of Change
This Cancer Full Moon occurs against the backdrop of unprecedented global transformation. Here in Los Angeles, we are witnessing what may be the most devastating fire in U.S. history. The elemental power of fire—both destructive and regenerative—reminds us of the intensity of the times we are living through.
With Pluto now firmly in Aquarius and Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus poised to change signs later this year, the winds of change are undeniable. These outer planetary ingresses signify monumental shifts in our collective consciousness, societal structures, and technological advancements. While the specifics of what lies ahead remain uncertain, one thing is clear: we are living through an era of profound transformation.
A Personal Reflection
William and I are profoundly grateful that our dear friends and family in the Palisades and Altadena/Hastings Ranch fires are safe. While many friends in the Palisades and Altadena have lost their homes, and the fate of other friends' and families homes in Altadena and Pasadena remains unknown, we are reminded of what truly matters: life, love, and connection.
If I haven’t said it often enough, I love you. These times are challenging, but they are also rich with opportunities for growth, healing, and resilience. Please stay centered, grounded, and connected to what nourishes your soul. Together, we will get through this.

An Invitation for the Cancer Full Moon
Under the nurturing light of the Cancer Full Moon, take time to honor your feelings and care for yourself and your loved ones. Here are a few reflections and practices to consider:
Reconnect with Your Roots: Spend time reflecting on your lineage, family, and the people or places that make you feel most at home. What traditions, memories, or connections bring you comfort?
Practice Emotional Resilience: Allow yourself to feel deeply but avoid being swept away by emotional currents. Use the grounding energy of Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces to find stability amidst change.
Set Intentions with Compassion: The Moon’s trine to the North Node in Pisces encourages intentions that align with your highest self. Focus on fostering love, unity, and spiritual growth in your life and the world.
Embrace the Power of Surrender: With Neptune and the North Node in Pisces, this is a time to trust the flow of life. Release what no longer serves you and make space for grace to enter.
As we move through this powerful lunation and into the uncharted waters of 2025, may we find strength in community, solace in self-care, and courage in our hearts. Together, we are co-creating a new world!
With love and blessings,
PS: If you feel called to explore your personal role in this era of change, I’m here to guide you. Schedule a Complimentary 30-minute S.P.A. for the Soul Discovery Call today!
