Cancer Full Moon & Mercury Retrograde Offer Intensity, Transformation, & Innovation
On Monday, January 17th at 3:48 pm PST, the Moon in Cancer will oppose the Sun in Capricorn at 27°51’, respectively. Several things stand out about this year’s Cancer Full Moon. Most notably, the Sun is conjunct Pluto, and the two of them are opposite the Moon. This adds an obsessive, compelling, and even compulsive tone to the intensity of this deeply emotional Full Moon.
That which has been hidden is unveiled!
This is a wonderful time to journal, reminisce, do some introspective, dream or psychological work. Take care that you don’t get too carried away from your rational mind but know that this is a beautiful time to purge whatever is no longer serving you.
Cancer rules our emotions, and our home, so allow yourself to feel and beautify your home environment. Remember that space is abundance, and it attracts to you because nature abhors a vacuum! But don’t just fill it back up with more things, be discerning and allow yourself to enjoy the expansiveness of “empty” space… although space is anything but empty!

Photo by Jesse Adair on Unsplash
Tonight, as we are leading up to the Full Moon, is the perfect time to intentionally release whatever you are ready to. Remember that with the particularly painful and challenging years that we’ve endured, there is likely some forgiveness to embrace particularly around our familial relationships.
Make a list and then burn it safely
because it’s all about your intention.
Once you close the door to the past,
the door to your future will reveal itself!
Check your chart to see where 27°51’ Cancer falls to know what area of your life you are working with.
1st House - One of the most important points in a chart; I or me, personality, body, health, physical appearance, how one is seen, how one sees the world
2nd House - Belongings, finances, earning power, values, resources, self-worth
3rd House - Communication, letters, emails…, siblings, neighbors, immediate surroundings, close travel, primary schooling
4th House - Home, real estate, private life, parents, roots, ancestry, foundation
5th House - Creativity, children (both human & artistic) drama, vacations, parties, fun, love affairs, romance, gambling, speculation, hobbies
6th House - Health, diet, work, job, employment, employees, dependents, mundane duties, hygiene, personal habits, pets
7th House - Others, partners, marriage, divorce, lawsuits, contracts, open enemies
8th House - Others’ belongings, support received from others, inheritance, legacies, insurance, taxes, trusts, secrets, sex, transformation, metaphysics, occult
9th House - Higher mind, philosophy, religion, higher learning, psychology, distant travel, foreigners, big business, commerce
10th House - Profession, career, standing in community, status, fame, influence one has within one’s sphere of influence
11th House - Goals, wishes, friends, money obtained through one’s profession, groups & associations which are related to career
12th House - Seclusion, suffering, sorrow, confinement, limitation, that which is hidden from sight, hidden strengths or weaknesses, secrets, self-undoing, subconscious mind, selfless service to others, charity