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Cancer New Moon ~ Fertile Soil for Planting Seeds

I have a confession to make. There are times when I just don’t feel that I have the “bandwidth” to do certain things….

I have shared that last year was such a terrible year for us in terms of losing loved ones. One of those losses involved closing down my dear friend’s intellectual property law practice. He had 135 clients who needed to be contacted, and then we dealt with the logistics of either returning or destroying their files.

Fortunately, I had a wonderful attorney who held my hand through the process, and I had William, who was with me on the night that we found Joel after his fatal heart attack. Thank goodness William was with me because I was due to work with Joel on the following day. I am also so grateful that William has wonderful skills with Excel and he’s pretty handy with a dolly loaded with dozens of file boxes! That was a terrible time, but we got through it.

I have jokingly told people that I felt as though I was in a constant state of orange alert. Remember what life was like during the year after 9/11? That’s how I felt. There was much to handle in terms of safely closing Joel’s busy law practice and helping his family settle affairs with his estate.

It was very interesting to me to note that the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of last year’s Winter Solstice happened in my 10th House of career, which indicated a BIG change in my career. Just like clockwork, my working with Joel and managing his properties came to a close.

This year, William and I have been excited to be launching our new businesses, while balancing other responsibilities. Life continues to be busy and full, but more and more it is feeling as though it’s on our terms.

I will admit that there is still a huge part of me that just feels the need for a solid amount of down time…a chance to thoroughly rejuvenate. Don’t get me wrong, I no longer feel like my adrenals are in that constant state of orange alert, but I am still getting my bearings with regard to pacing my energy levels.

This past week was extremely busy, and I realized that I would not have the time to write my Cancer New Moon blog.

This morning, as I was wrestling with the guilt, it occurred to me that one of the benefits of letting you know about the New Moons is to let you know about the magical windows of time when you can write your New Moon intentions.

Because each New Moon is the beginning of a new cycle that lasts until the next New Moon, I decided, with the encouragement of my wonderful partner and soulmate, William, that there is still time to write this blog.

I’m also prompted to share something very personal, that up until today I hadn’t even shared with my own sisters…

A few months ago I found a lump.

Now many of you know the story of how my father cured himself of cancer when I was barely a teenager. My early teen years were filled with the wonder of discovering psychic healing, metaphysics, and having many more years with my father to teach me about the universe and to introduce me to astrology.

I learned that anything is possible and that we can heal ourselves. I also know that is easier said than done and our personal health is just that…personal. Each of us has our own journey to take and at the end of the day, we all must make decisions that we think are best for ourselves.

For about a month, William and I kept it to ourselves. I’ve joked through the years that whenever I had a sniffle, he would get out our copy of Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life” and “beat me over the head with it” 😉. “Now repeat after me!” he would say. Honestly, he and my dad would have been great friends!

Well, “You Can Heal Your Life” is on my bedside table and there are several dear friends in various parts of the world who have been sending their healing mojo. I also spoke with a dear friend whom I trusted to hold me in the highest light of healing and who I knew would be able to point me in the right direction.

She said, “You’re not going to want to hear this, but no more coffee, sugar, or alcohol.” What?! I used to joke that Starbucks sent me Christmas cards!

I knew that she was right, and I was ready to fully nurture myself. Daily shots of Ningxia Red, taking Frankincense internally as well as applying it to my breast and bathing in it. Then another dear friend introduced me to the work of Anthony William “The Medical Medium” and celery juice first thing in the morning was added to my regimen.

I was finally ready to fully nurture myself!

After about a month of this protocol, my mammogram and sonogram were completely clean!

I will admit that I am now enjoying some coffee on our balcony with my beloved, but we add a bit of baking soda to it to neutralize the acid.

I share all of this to say that we’re all in this "rocks are hard and water is wet" human experience … and that we are more powerful than we know!

We all have the power to heal ourselves directly or attract those people or things into our lives to help us heal depending on where we are in our evolution.

I also share this to open the door to my true confession that I am a flawed human who is still navigating my relationship with time. I wish that I had pre-written my Cancer New Moon blog, but I didn’t.

The beauty with every New Moon is that we have a lovely opportunity to grow our desires ~ to set our intentions. As we get closer to the opening Crescent Moon, the energetic soil is more fertile for our intentional seeds!

The ideal time to write your intentions will be from the morning of July 13th after 1:30 am PT until the opening Crescent Moon, when the Moon is 60° from the Sun (sextile) on July 14th at 6:46 pm PT.

Given that the Moon is in her domicile when she’s in Cancer, this particular lunar cycle is very important!

What I love about the chart from last Friday’s New Moon is that the Sun and Moon were sextile Uranus and trine Neptune, bringing in an emphasis on an “anything is possible” vibe. Flashes of inspiration and intuitive nudges will be the theme of the next month.

So, feel free to pen your deepest desires and dream your loftiest dreams!

If you’d like to add in Cancerean themes to your New Moon Intentions, they are:

  • Nurturing

  • Maternal

  • Emotional

  • Domestic

  • Sensitivity

  • Tenacity

  • Helpfulness

  • Traditional

Thank you for following my journey and allowing me to be a part of yours.

William and I are sending you our love and wishing you a beautiful summer filled with many lovely dreams coming true!

For Jack Canfield success coaching…CLICK HERE ~ Special Free Coaching with Jack this coming Thursday, July 15th at 4:30 pm me for more!

“I would love to help shine a light on your path!”

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash


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