Embrace the Gemini New Moon: Harness the Power of New Beginnings
The Moon's Journey...
When the Moon moves into a sign for about two and a half days, she colors the emotional landscape for all life on Earth. We all know that Luna controls the tides, and since life is mostly water, our emotions move through us as energy in motion...
We also know, thanks to the research of Masaru Emoto documented in his book "The Hidden Messages in Water," that the molecular structure of water changes based on external stimuli, including our conscious intentions!

So, when the Moon moves into a sign, she activates the qualities of that sign, which manifest throughout all water and therefore all life on Earth.
Now, when Luna conjuncts the Sun while in a sign—what we call the New Moon—the Sun acts like an anchor to ingrain the sign's qualities until the Full Moon two weeks later. Even as the Moon continues to travel through other signs and aspect other planets, while all the other planets and asteroids are in different signs aspecting each other...
Then there is each individual's own personal frequency based on their unique birth chart, body, environment, and life experiences as a final layer!
This is why astrology can be compared to "weather forecasts" or "musical compositions"—many overlapping factors create the resulting "storm" or "chord."

All of that said, the Moon and the Sun carry significant influence. The Moon is the closest celestial body to Earth, and the Sun is by far the largest.
The Gemini New Moon
While Luna rules our emotions, when she is in Gemini, there is almost the opposite effect. Gemini tends to subdue emotions or minimize the importance of deep feelings and emotional needs.
Moon in Gemini is not about crying or temper tantrums. She is more about settling differences by discussing things reasonably and rationally, avoiding inner depths for unconscious motives and hurts.
This is not the ideal energy for heavy, demanding emotional involvements or personal commitments. It is more suited for learning and stimulating conversations.
Again, everyone will be affected uniquely by this New Moon, so we’ll want to practice understanding and objectivity with others to appreciate their different approaches to life. We may know what works for us, but it may not work for them, and vice versa.
The Moon will join with the Sun at 5:37 am, PDT on June 6th. Let's take a look at the aspects:
Moon Conjunct Mercury
Since Mercury rules Gemini, you might think he would amplify the Gemini traits, but rather, when he joins Luna, he tends to stimulate an interest in the inner motivations and feelings of others.
This is a great energy for listening to others talk about their personal lives, dreams, and desires, sympathizing with their problems, and sharing your own experiences and feelings.

It's also a great energy for studying psychology, symbolism, mythology, and languages, as well as history, archeology, genealogy, or anything having to do with the past.
Moon Conjunct Venus
This aspect adds more sympathy and affection to the mix, especially regarding children and mothers. It's an energy that promotes marriage, home, family, and kindness!
Moon Square Saturn
This aspect encourages seeking approval and acceptance from others, even at the risk of being inauthentic, because it fosters a sensitivity to criticism, neglect, and not being included.
You may feel more emotionally sensitive, causing you to withdraw into a shell to defend yourself. If so, this is the perfect opportunity to write down your New Moon intentions!

Setting Your New Moon Intentions
For your intention writing ceremony, we are not fans of the Gemini Moon, given that the parting aspect before the Moon goes Void of Course is a square to Neptune in Pisces. This can add unnecessary confusion to your intentions.
We much prefer the Cancer Lunar window from 5:41 am on June 7th until 12:05 pm on the 9th, when the Moon trines Neptune. All times are Pacific.
In solitude, you can tap into your inner well of nourishment and power, getting crystal clear about what you want to experience, learn, and create in this lifetime, especially in the areas of:
Communication skills
Remember, your intentions change water, which means YOU, and all those with whom you associate...
The following is a guide by rising sign to discover what area of your life is being affected:
Aries Rising / 3rd House:
Impact: Enhanced communication, short trips, and interactions with siblings or neighbors. A great time to start new learning endeavors or work on writing projects.
Taurus Rising / 2nd House:
Impact: Focus on finances, values, and material possessions. Opportunity to set intentions for financial growth and reassess your personal values.
Gemini Rising / 1st House:
Impact: Personal reinvention, new beginnings, and self-expression. Perfect time to focus on self-improvement and presenting yourself in a new light.
Cancer Rising / 12th House:
Impact: Spiritual growth, inner healing, and introspection. Time to release old patterns, focus on mental health, and engage in spiritual practices.
Leo Rising / 11th House:
Impact: Social networks, friendships, and long-term goals. Ideal for setting new goals and expanding your social circle.
Virgo Rising / 10th House:
Impact: Career advancements, public image, and professional goals. Time to focus on career growth, set new professional intentions, and enhance your public persona.
Libra Rising / 9th House:
Impact: Higher education, travel, and philosophical beliefs. Great for embarking on educational pursuits, planning travels, and expanding your worldview.
Scorpio Rising / 8th House:
Impact: Deep transformation, shared resources, and intimacy. Opportunity to address financial matters involving others, explore deep emotional connections, and undergo personal transformations.
Sagittarius Rising / 7th House:
Impact: Partnerships, relationships, and collaborations. Focus on setting intentions for harmonious relationships and improving partnerships.
Capricorn Rising / 6th House:
Impact: Health, daily routines, and work environment. Perfect time to start new health routines, improve your daily habits, and enhance your work life.
Aquarius Rising / 5th House:
Impact: Creativity, romance, and children. Great for starting new creative projects, embracing romantic opportunities, and enjoying time with children.
Pisces Rising / 4th House:
Impact: Home, family, and personal foundations. Focus on setting intentions related to home improvements, family relationships, and emotional security.
May this Gemini New Moon bring you closer to manifesting your dream life!
Love & blessings,
Elise & William
