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Final Day of Winter, Aries Ingress, Aries New Moon & Astrological New Year!

It’s almost here! Do you feel it? That pregnant pause in the air?

We’re in the final day of winter and it feels like the Earth is holding her breath. In this fast-paced world that we live in, taking a Sunday out to just experience the silence is refreshing and vital! For some of us it may feel uncomfortably unfamiliar…

Here’s the thing…everything has cycles…

Our seasons, our bodies, even our laptops power down and recycle. The constant go, go, go of our world is unsustainable…

If you haven’t taken enough time for yourself, for the selfcare and nurturing that only you can give to yourself, then please, on this final day of winter, give yourself the gift of doing nothing…except writing, of course! 😉

I know that this has been a rough winter for so many of us, and doing nothing may not feel like an option.

For those of us who have had a very wintery winter, where the constant and relentless storms have required you to be in an unnatural state of doing in order to survive, then knowing that the Sun is returning to the northern hemisphere is some of the best news ever!

Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

Moon in Pisces

Today, the Moon has entered Pisces and is in the final days of her balsamic phase as she prepares to join with the Sun in Aries. As much as we want to leap into the wonders of spring, we are here, still in winter. Taste the silence. Journal. Take a nap…and dream!

This gives your limbic system a chance to rest and reset and lets your body know that you care for it. It also gives you a chance to digest everything that this past year has brought into your life, and allows you to take note of what you want more of in the coming year and what you’d like to leave behind as you cross the threshold tomorrow.

Sun Sextile Pluto

Just a little over an hour before the Sun ingresses into Aries, he forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn at 29°57’ at 1:12 p.m., PDT. Let yourself be renewed in the depth of the transformation that is possible here!

We are also reminded that this is the final sextile from the Sun in the final sign of Pisces to Pluto in Capricorn until 2255. Pluto is prepping to wrap his project of shaking up the systems of our world and will be entering the humanitarian sign of Aquarius on March 23rd at 5:23 a.m., PDT…but more on this to come in my next blog.

Spring Equinox

Once you have soaked up every last drop from the Pisces well, you will be fully replenished and prepared to leap into the Astrological New Year that happens tomorrow, on March 20, 2023 at 2:24 p.m., PDT, when the Sun crosses the Equator as he moves toward the northern hemisphere, and we have our Aries Equinox.

The Sun is exalted in Aries and he has some great company as he joins Mercury, Chiron, Jupiter, Vesta, and Eris*.

The Sun brings his sextile with Pluto into the ingress chart, so we begin the new year with an instinctual optimism that everything we dream of is possible when we embrace the depths of our souls and trust the process that is unfolding…

Aries New Moon

On Tuesday morning, March 21st at 10:23 a.m. PDT, we have the New Moon at 00°50’ Aries. This is when we can finally get this party started as we rejoice in the beginning of the Astrological New Year!

These are my 2 favorite “Intention Windows:”

  • From the New Moon until Thursday morning, March 23rd at 10:13 a.m., when the Moon sextiles Mars and then goes Void-of-Course.

  • From 11:42 a.m. on March 23rd, when the Moon enters Taurus until March 25th at 9:19 a.m., when the Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces and then goes VOC.

Aries Themes:

· New Beginnings

· Courage

· Fearlessness

· Activity

· Pioneering

· Eager

· Dynamic

· Independent

· Enthusiastic

Remember to write your intentions in the present tense as if they have already happened. The quantum field has no sense of time, so even though you may think, “But they haven’t happened yet” or “I’m lying, I’m not that brave, or I can’t possibly…!” Just breathe and embrace all of the wonder that you are, trust, and leap! You’ve got this!

Happy intending & launching!!!

Please reach out if you would like some astrological insights and feel like you’re at a crossroads in your life…trust your inner guidance…CLICK HERE

I wish you a peaceful final day of winter and a fabulous New Year!

Much love,


* We could debate whether Eris is great company, for she is the party crasher, who started the Trojan War, but she has been hanging out in Aries since 1926, so she has become a bit of a fixture here, perhaps encouraging more war than is healthy. She has a very long elliptical orbit and won’t dip her toe into Taurus until 2044.


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