Happy Virgo New Moon!
There’s a lot of focus on Mercury with this Virgo New Moon!
The only major aspect that the Sun and Moon make is an almost exact square to Mars in Gemini.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who is now in Libra, where he will go retrograde at 08°55’ on September 9th. Libra is ruled by Venus, but Venus is in Leo, which is ruled by the Sun, who is in Virgo, which is ruled by Gemini! See the dispositor tree below, which I created, to show the flow of energy…
When a planet is in another planet’s sign, it is as if it’s getting marching orders from that planet. Mars is in the domicile of Mercury, as are the Sun and the Moon. Therefore, we want to see what is happening with Mercury. What condition is he in?
This gets a bit complicated, but in reviewing Mercury’s essential dignity (an ancient/Hellenistic term) Mercury is in the sign of his “triplicity” during the night when he is in Libra. Basically, this means that for anyone who lives in a place where the New Moon occurred when the Sun was below the horizon, there is a bit more energetic help.

(Dispositor Tree Graphic by Elise Hicks)
There are layers and layers of calculations based on millennia of observations and correlations with Earth events, so as an astrologer, I zero in on the main ones based on what is happening at any given time. This doesn’t mean that the other layers aren’t affecting us, but as in our own lives, certain areas often demand our attention more than the others…and they are always changing!
For those of us in the American continents, Mercury is stronger and more capable to give fair and wise guidance to those planets in his signs. Something tells me that the rest of the world would like us to figure out our mess here in the states…my intention is that this will help…
Okay, I know that was a lot, and perhaps I’m getting swept up into the Virgoan details!
Here are a few more aspects to consider…
There’s another nice benefit that the whole world gets, and that is that Mercury & Mars are in a grand trine with Pluto…this lends extra power to any plans that one may want to implement under this lunation.
Mercury & Mars are in a minor grand trine with Jupiter—Jupiter is in Aries opposing Mercury, and sextile to Mars—this adds to that “Extra” energy and gives a big boost to any enterprise you may be engaged in, though it may be a bit more difficult for Mercury to decide on just one project to focus on!
If you’ve been feeling any anxiety around your relationships, Venus in Leo has been triggering that Saturn/Uranus square. There’s a bit of “Push me/pull you” energy here, with Uranus prompting us to be spontaneous, and Saturn expecting us to be responsible and take our commitments seriously. Something new wants to be born, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater!

New Moon Intentions:
There’s a very nice window up until the Moon trines Pluto tomorrow, August 28th @ 8:08 pm PDT within which to write your intentions.
Here are some Virgo themes for your intentions:
Need to Criticize
Diet & Exercise
*Let’s move some matter! (William likes to joke that human beings are “master matter movers”… & it matters! 😉)
Lastly, with the Mars square to the Sun & Moon, we have a great opportunity to “clear the decks” of anything in our lives that is no longer serving a purpose.
The Virgoan energy is perfect for tackling that closet that you’ve been meaning to, Marie Kondo style! I know that I’m a bit late to the game…she’s been “sparking joy” for years now, but William and I just discovered her show on Netflix and adore her energy!
Happy clearing!
Much love,
PS: If you are feeling called for some astrological guidance to see what your future has in store for you, then consider my Initial Consultation HERE, or one of my other services HERE.
