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Leo New Moon: Embracing Bold New Beginnings!

As the Leo New Moon graces the sky today, August 4th, at 12°34' Leo, we are invited to step into the spotlight of our own lives, embracing bold new beginnings with courage and creativity.

Surreal creative expression
Photo by Tony Ross on Unsplash

This New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions that align with our true passions and desires, as the fiery energy of Leo encourages us to shine brightly and express ourselves authentically!


Key Aspects of the Leo New Moon:

  • 16th Harmonic with Mercury in Virgo: This aspect encourages precision in our communication and thoughts. It's an excellent time to focus on the details and fine-tune our plans.

  • Sextile Mars in Gemini: The dynamic energy of Mars in Gemini fuels our curiosity and drive. It's a perfect moment to pursue new ideas and take action on our goals with enthusiasm.

  • Sextile Jupiter in Gemini: Jupiter's expansive energy in Gemini brings opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace new experiences and broaden your horizons.

  • Biquintile Saturn in Pisces: This harmonious aspect with Saturn helps us find creative solutions to long-standing issues. It's a time to manifest our dreams with discipline and perseverance.

  • Quintile Uranus in Taurus: Uranus inspires innovation and unexpected breakthroughs. Stay open to sudden insights and be willing to break free from old patterns.

  • Trine North Node in Aries: This supportive trine with the North Node encourages us to align with our life purpose and take bold steps towards our destiny.

As we bask in the radiant energy of this Leo New Moon, it's also important to note that Mercury is slowing down, preparing to go retrograde at 04°06' Virgo at 9:56 p.m., PDT tonight.

This retrograde period offers us a chance to review, reflect, and refine our plans. Take this time to reassess your goals and ensure they align with your authentic self.


Embracing the Leo New Moon:

This New Moon invites us to tap into our inner strength and creativity. Leo's fiery energy encourages us to be bold, take risks, and embrace our unique gifts.

Whether it's pursuing a new passion, starting a creative project, or simply expressing yourself more authentically, this is the time to let your light shine!


New Moon Intentions:

The Moon will go Void of Course after forming a square to Uranus at 8:16 a.m. on the 5th. This aspect could bring some disruption to any New Moon intentions. Therefore, I recommend holding off on writing your intentions until the Moon enters Libra and begins to appear as the Waxing Crescent just after sunset.

Your New Moon Intentions Window is from 2:31 a.m. on August 8th until the Moon forms a sextile with the Sun on August 9th at 2:44 p.m.

New Moon with Railroad tracks
Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

Here are Your Leo Themes:

  • Creative

  • Romantic

  • Dramatic

  • Dignified

  • Loyal

  • Self-assured

  • Proud

  • Generous

Remember, the seeds you plant during this New Moon will grow and flourish in the coming months. Set your intentions with confidence and trust in your ability to manifest your dreams. 

With love & passion for your joy-filled life!

~ Elise

Lighthouse with reflection in water
I look forward to illuminating your path!


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