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Libra Full Moon ~ Opportunity to Heal Our Relationships & Ourselves!

The very nature of Full Moons is that they are opposite the sign of the Sun. During the season of Aries, the Full Moon in Libra shines a spotlight on the universal quintessential opposite archetypes of Me vs We.

Photo by Elise Hicks

While the Sun travels through Aries, we get to explore our relationship with ourselves as individuals, and then the Moon transits to oppose the Sun, and we have our Full Moon in Libra, the sign of “our others.”

Libra invites us to realize that our life would be lonely indeed if we only had ourselves to contend with. Ideally, we are self-sufficient, capable, independent, and evolved humans who have worked through our issues and have something of value to bring into our intimate relationships.

All too often, though, we look to the other to make us whole on some level. As romantic as that Jeremy Maguire moment was when Tom Cruise said, “You complete me,” it puts a lot of pressure on our partner if we are looking to them to fulfill some sense of longing or lack that only we can fill within ourselves.

This year, the Libra Full Moon chart has a key component happening that will be so important for our growth and evolution…

Sun conjunct Chiron

The Sun is conjunct Chiron (The Wounded Healer) illuminating our core wounds. There is a powerful opportunity here to heal ourselves on our deepest levels. Take some time with yourself today to be in the question of “What is my Kryptonite?” You may be absolutely clear what that is, or perhaps there’s some nagging bit of your shadow that seems just beyond the blind spot of your peripheral vision.

Whatever is coming up for you today is your gift of healing. What is the message that the wound is offering?

Usually there was a “Number 1" experience that happened back in your childhood. In the pre-verbal stage of infancy, we are pure instinctive experience. We didn’t have words to help us create meaning around the events of our earliest days in our lives, but we still “made up” whether the world was safe or not.

Events may have been as simple and benign as our mother not being aware that the Sun momentarily shone too brightly into our eyes as we were being pushed in our stroller…or a breeze was too chilly for the clothing we were wearing, or the momentary discomfort of being hungry for longer than we wanted to be. Then again, sadly, some of us had to experience worse events than the relatively innocent events that I outlined above.

We are “meaning-making beings” and most of the meanings that we’ve made up about our lives are based on external events and circumstances that are way in our past, but our decision about whether or not we perceive the universe to be a friendly one or not is based on these past experiences. Knowing this, we can make fresh and new choices in our present life. Awareness is key! Once we are aware, then we will be able to turn the page and create new meanings for our lives.

Photo of my Libra mother & me

Today, the gift is that the Sun is joining with Chiron, illuminating those “owies” that want to be kissed and healed. Even if you can’t fully identify want your core wound is, having the intention to be healed, whole, and complete will do wonders!

Allow the beautiful Libra Full Moon to gently caress your cares so that you can shed those layers of conditioning and “stories” that no longer serve you.

The 16°07' Libra Full Moon that is happening tonight, April 5, 2023, at 9:34 p.m., PDT, is the perfect time to release anything related to our relationship wounds. Libra desires peace and harmony and our world can definitely use more of that!

Check your chart to see where 16°07' Libra falls to know the area of life with which you are working:

  • 1st House - One of the most important points in a chart; I or me, personality, body, health, physical appearance, how one is seen, how one sees the world

  • 2nd House - Belongings, finances, earning power, values, resources, self-worth

  • 3rd House - Communication, letters, emails…, siblings, neighbors, immediate surroundings, close travel, primary schooling

  • 4th House - Home, real estate, private life, parents, roots, ancestry, foundation

  • 5th House - Creativity, children (both human & artistic) drama, vacations, parties, fun, love affairs, romance, gambling, speculation, hobbies

  • 6th House - Health, diet, work, job, employment, employees, dependents, mundane duties, hygiene, personal habits, pets

  • 7th House - Others, partners, marriage, divorce, lawsuits, contracts, open enemies

  • 8th House - Others’ belongings, support received from others, inheritance, legacies, insurance, taxes, trusts, secrets, sex, transformation, metaphysics, occult

  • 9th House - Higher mind, philosophy, religion, higher learning, psychology, distant travel, foreigners, big business, commerce

  • 10th House - Profession, career, standing in community, status, fame, influence one has within one’s sphere of influence

  • 11th House - Goals, wishes, friends, money obtained through one’s profession, groups & associations which are related to career

  • 12th House - Seclusion, suffering, sorrow, confinement, limitation, that which is hidden from sight, hidden strengths or weaknesses, secrets, self-undoing, subconscious mind, selfless service to others, charity

I am always happy to shine a light on your path… CLICK HERE for my services and a more in-depth consultation.

Love, Blessings, Peace, & Happy Early Easter!



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