Sagittarius New Moon – Happy Season of Gratitude!
It has been a long time since I’ve been so happy about the song coming from our celestial orchestra!
Yes, Mars is still retrograde in Gemini and stirring up his share of confusion with his squares to both the U.S.’s Neptune & our current transiting Neptune, but the season of gratitude is starting off on one of the most upbeat notes we’ve had in a long time!
The Sun has moved from the swampy depths of Scorpio into the sign most known for optimism, truth, and high aspirations.
The Moon has just joined with the Sun at 01°38’ at 2:57 pm PT today, (November 23, 2022) and kicks off a wonderful start to the holiday season!
We now have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus all in Sagittarius, and they’re all answering to Jupiter, who is stationed to go direct and is just as happy as Father Christmas to be in Pisces for another month!
After that, he ingresses back into Aries on December 20th.
I am so happy to simply wish you a wonderful Season of Gratitude!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Where does the New Moon fall in your birth chart? For example, if you have Aries Rising, it will fall in your 9th House, and so on according to the list below. If you are new to astrology, and don’t know your Rising sign, and don’t have your birth chart handy, then just send me an email to:
Aries Rising – 9th House: Higher mind, philosophy, religion, higher learning, psychology, distant travel, foreigners, big business, law
Taurus Rising – 8th House: Others’ belongings, support received from others, inheritance, legacies, insurance, taxes, trusts, secrets, sex, transformation, metaphysics, occult
Gemini Rising – 7th House: Others, partners, marriage, divorce, lawsuits, contracts, open enemies
Cancer Rising – 6th House: Health, diet, work, job, employment, employees, dependents, mundane duties, hygiene, personal habits, pets
Leo Rising – 5th House: Creativity, children (both human & artistic) drama, vacations, parties, fun, love affairs, romance, gambling, speculation, hobbies
Virgo Rising – 4th House: Home, real estate, private life, parents, roots, ancestry, foundation
Libra Rising – 3rd House: Communication, letters, emails…, siblings, neighbors, immediate surroundings, close travel, primary schooling
Scorpio Rising – 2nd House: Belongings, finances, earning power, values, resources, self-worth
Sagittarius Rising – 1st House: One of the most important points in a chart; I or me, personality, body, health, physical appearance, how one is seen, how one sees the world
Capricorn Rising – 12th House: Seclusion, suffering, sorrow, confinement, limitation, that which is hidden from sight, hidden strengths or weaknesses, secrets, self-undoing, subconscious mind, selfless service to others, charity
Aquarius Rising – 11th House: Goals, wishes, friends, money obtained through one’s profession, groups & associations which are related to career
Pisces Rising – 10th House: Profession, career, standing in community, status, fame, influence one has within one’s sphere
To inspire your New Moon Intentions, here is a list of all things Sagittarian:
Connecting with Nature
Truth & Honesty
Teaching, Higher Learning
Religious & Spiritual Questing
Travel, Adventure & Journeys of All Kinds
There are several excellent windows of time to do your New Moon Intention setting ceremony:
Note: I do not recommend setting intentions when the Moon is void-of-course (VOC). The closing aspect (the last aspect that the Moon makes when she goes VOC) is key to setting the tone.
Anytime from the New Moon until the Sagittarius Moon goes VOC on November 25th at 11:22 am PDT, with a square to Jupiter is a wonderful time to set those big-hairy audacious goals in place!
The next window will open when the Moon moves into Capricorn at 1:18 pm on November 25th and run until November 27th at 12:11pm when the Moon is sextile with Jupiter. This is another excellent timeframe!
Whatever you wish for as we are nearing the end of 2022 and beginning to make plans for 2023, William & I wish you all the joys that this wonderful season can bring!
With Love & Gratitude,
PS: With the Season of Gratitude in mind, William & I have created some Amazing gifts for you! Check out our Gratitude Specials that we've curated with you in mind! These prices will last until December 1st.