The Venus Star in Libra!
For the First Time in Our Lifetimes! Venus Meets the Sun in Libra!!!
Approximately, every 9.5 months Venus joins the Sun in her dance through her cycle. As Venus travels around Sol, she either conjoins with him while she is direct (on the other side of the Sun, and furthest from Earth) or when she is retrograde (between us and the Sun, and therefore closest to the Earth).
Next to the Moon, Venus is the brightest light in the early evening and early morning skies. Because her orbit is between us here on Earth and the Sun, she is never very far from our Sun—this is why she’s called either the morning star or the evening star, depending on where she is in her journey around the Sun.
From our perspective here on Earth, she has this 8-year long cycle during which she creates a five-pointed star.

Image by Arielle Guttman
Each time that she joins with the Sun, she creates a “star point.”
She has been forming her star points in the signs of Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo, Gemini, & Aries.
Today, October 22, 2022, Venus joins the Sun at 29°29’ in the peace-loving sign of Libra.
This is her first "Venus Star" conjunction with Sol in her home sign of Libra in 143 years!
During this particular cazimi (when a planet conjuncts the Sun, it is “in the heart of the Sun”), she is direct, so she is hidden from view behind the Sun. She will be transitioning from a morning star Venus into an evening star Venus.

Image by William
Venus & the Sun are trine Mars in Gemini and square Pluto in Capricorn. All of this signals a transition that is imminent. Both Pluto and Mars have nearly stopped in their motion. Pluto just stationed direct, and Mars is about to station retrograde on October 30th (William’s birthday!)
Interestingly, all three Planets were in similar places in their cycles when the United States formed our union.
We know that the U.S. is going through our Pluto return. The Venus Star Point was transitioning from Scorpio into Libra and Mars was in Gemini when our country was formed.
An opportunity to shift the way that we relate to the world is being offered. Both Pluto and Mars contacting this Libra Star Point are prompting us to transform our value systems and the way that we communicate our needs within our relationships is being refined.

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
~ Rumi
~ ~ ~
The following is for my fellow Astrology Geeks...
Recent Venus Star Points & the complete 8-year cycle in Leo that we will have next year:
January 11, 2014 – 21°12’℞ Capricorn
October 25, 2014 – 01°49’ Scorpio
August 15, 2015 – 22°39’℞ Leo
June 6, 2016 – 16°36’ Gemini
March 25, 2017 – 04°57’℞ Aries
January 9, 2018 – 18°57’ Capricorn
October 26, 2018 – 03°06’℞ Scorpio
August 13, 2019 – 21°11’ Leo
June 3, 2020 – 13°36’℞ Gemini
March 25, 2021 – 05°50’ Aries
January 8, 2022 – 18°43’℞ Capricorn
October 22, 2022 – 29°27’ Libra
August 13. 2023 – 20°28’ Leo
My wish for you is peace, love, and harmony as you ride the coming waves… eclipse season begins on Tuesday, October 25th with the Solar Eclipse at 02° Scorpio!
Many blessings,
PS: If you are feeling called for some astrological guidance to see what your future has in store for you, then consider my Initial Consultation HERE, or one of my other services HERE.
PPS: I know that every election season we hear, "This is the most important election...!" This one IS! Here's a great resource to help you make sure that you're still registered, etc.: Register to Vote With HeadCount | Voter Registration & Information