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Vernal Equinox Offer!

Although we acknowledge January 1st as the first day of our new year, we tropical astrologers see the time when our Sun crosses the equator on its journey north as the first day of our new year. We also call this the Vernal Equinox and the first day of Spring (in the northern hemisphere)...the beginning of our spirited, pioneering, and brave sign of Aries!
In order to begin this powerful Astrological New Year with a bang, I am offering a very special package. Let's usher in this Spring in the most empowering way possible!
My 2022 Spring Equinox Package Includes:
* A 2-Hour Consultation
* A Natal Chart & Report:
Discover who you are, the traits you were born with, your personality, gifts, challenges, propensity for success in love and career ~ Very revealing!
* A 1-Year Transit Report:
Your Planetary ‘Weather Report.’ Is it sunny or raining in your world? As the planets move, they can affect us in various ways. We can better exercise our free will when we are clear about the forecast.
* A 1-Year Progression Report:
This insightful report speaks to how our life unfolds in a slower, more
deliberate way via a day-for-a-year, Secondary Progression. Our
progressed charts reveal periods of deep and intense unfoldment in our lives.
* An Astrocartography Report:
Based on our birth charts, some places are better for us than others.
Discover the details on the city of your choice.
$375 ($550 value!)
Reports Only $75 ($100 value)
Thank you for your order!
Please send birthdata (date, place, and accurate time, ...
4 minutes makes a difference) along with your city of residence
in an email to:
Thank you for allowing me to shine a light on your path!

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